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Saturday, January 8, 2011


28岁法国纸片女模病逝Isabelle Caro, French Model and Anti-Anorexia Symbol,

  曾用自己"皮包骨"身体拍摄照片抗击厌食症的法国模特兼演员伊莎贝尔•卡罗(Isabelle Caro)在东京完成一项工作回到法国后于11月17日不幸病逝,时年28岁,但是她去世的消息直到本周才对外公开。身高有1.65米,体重却只有30公 斤左右。伊莎贝尔死亡的具体原因目前还不清楚,但是她在去世两周内一直住院接受治疗。伊莎贝拉从13岁开始就患上了厌食症,到现在已经十多年。

Isabelle Caro, a French model and actress whose emaciated image became a symbol of the tragedy of anorexia, has died. She was 28.

  Caro died Nov. 17 after she returned to France from a trip to Tokyo. It was not immediately clear why it took so long for the information to come out, The Associated Press reported today.

  The cause of death was not announced.

  Caro, who said she developed anorexia at 13, was best known for a fairly shocking Italian ad campaign she was featured in three years ago. The photograph, showing an emaciated and nude Caro, was shown on newspapers and billboards throughout Europe with the words "No Anorexia."

  Caro, who was 5-feet-4, said later that she weighed about 59 pounds when the photos were taken. She struggled with anorexia her entire adult life and was frequently in and out of hospitals, her acting instructor said today.

  Her death and her illness "are an absolute waste," Daniele Dubreuil-Prevot said, according to AP.

  Her agent, Sylvie Fabregon, told the AP that the ad campaign was intended "to show what it is like to be anorexic." But Caro's efforts to show the horror of her illness sometimes backfired, as she was also featured on a number of pro-anorexia websites as a positive example of how to be thin.

  In 2008, she wrote a book titled "The Little Girl Who Didn't Want to Get Fat."

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